Why Jesus Would Shop at Target

I personally am of the opinion that Jesus would shop at Target. 

He'd be there encouraging Mamas with full hands, speaking words of kindness as they try to grab milk and eggs while wrestling fussy youngsters who are throwing fits because she did not buy them candy, or allow them to run amok in the toy aisle. He'd offer words to fill hearts, and a genuine understanding of the truth that parenting is hard and while Mamas may not "enjoy every moment" we do purpose to find moments to connect with the hearts of our children and enjoy who they are, and who they are becoming--even if they exhaust our ever lovin' patience at times (like when we are in Target).

Jesus would be taking time out for the older, lonely folks- He would help them reach the products they have a hard time getting to, and then he would walk WITH them for a good long while, tarrying. Knowing that He could be the only one all week to treat them with respect and truly listen to them, un-rushed, for as long as needed. 

Jesus would spend some of his time at Target talking to the young man that asks for handouts outside the location near the highway, seeking to heal his heart, save him from addictions, and probably giving him something to eat as well. He'd be loving on those who are different, and building relationships with the hurting, the marginalized, the depressed, and the overlooked. He'd make eye contact with those others don't tend to truly "see". He'd seek out the very people His followers often avoid. 

Jesus would also be mingling with the owners, whether or not He supported their every belief. He would understand that we human beings grow by learning from those who are very, very different from us, and He'd invite them into relationship- because rules don't heal hearts, but relationship with our Healer truly does.

My Jesus would be showing kindness to the store service clerks, who often get treated poorly--even by "christian" customers. He'd be patient if the cashier was slow to ring up the items He was buying (for the homeless teen outside) and He would make eye contact with that person, showing them with loving kindness that He really, really sees them- and not just as someone to wait on Him. 

My Jesus would comfort the cashier who just got reemed by an angry, impatient customer.  He'd help her unwind from the verbal attack, but he would not stop there. He'd invite her to embrace a life altering love and find meaning in knowing His love daily- and showing it to others. Even the ones who are hardest to love.

Jesus would give grace to the angry customer who just mistreated the poor clerk-- but he would most certainly invite him to understand the God sees temper flares the same way as He sees murder- only crushing the soul, rather than the body.  (It is man who rates sin, not God.)

Now, my Jesus would not just stay at Target, mind you. He'd make his way over to the bridge and chat with the homeless people (treating them with respect, and as real, flesh and blood people). He'd camp with them for the night, and then head over to the Women's Shelter and love on all the children torn from their homes in the middle of the night. He'd comfort the women fleeing violence, showing them REAL love that does not harm, but heals. 

Jesus would also head to the mall and chill with the teens. He'd listen to their hearts- he'd seek out the kids whose parents brush them off or don't get them, or even don't  truly like them. My Jesus would lavish teenagers with time-- and Jesus would offer understanding to even the most misunderstood.   

Jesus would make his way to the churches and give some lessons like he gave the Pharisees, and the many others who followed Him carrying secret agendas and needs.
Lessons like: 
Love people more than laws (or power). 
Get to quiet places and talk to God.
Let God's healing into the deep, dark places in your lives (not just the "white washed" exteriors)
Love unselfishly and remember you are not perfect either. 

Most of all, Jesus would love people who struggle with identity and don't seem to fit in. Whether from being told, "You can't do that, you're a girl." or "Why can't you be more like 'xyz'..." Jesus would have tender compassion on the confused, the hurting, and on those who don't fit the proposed mold. 

Jesus gets it. He, himself was not what His tribe expected.  

So if you are confused or hurting, or struggling for acceptance just the way you are, you have a friend in Jesus. 

He loves you as you are, 
And, with time and through those trained to help,
Jesus WILL heal every wound you allow him access to. 
In the midst of all the complicated, confusing, and confounding issues in this world, I have found one thing to be certain, and that is the complete and unconditional love of Jesus. 

I am so glad we do not have to be perfect, because Jesus covers ALL.

~Just Me


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